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China Xian Chongqing Bullet Train

26 April 2019

The first of the three long journeys

The long train journey from Xian to Chongqing

I write this as we finally approach Chongqing West station. Unfortunately this brand new high speed rail station has opened before the metro line to it can be completed, how embarrassing! This means that despite getting in quite late (for me), I will still face another logistical hurdle once I arrive in Chongqing. Now I will describe the train ride from Xian to almost arriving at Chongqing.

When I sat down, the guy next to me was super excited, he had never sat next to a foreigner before, and to quote him 'I hope its ok, I have so many questions for you!!!!'
OK, I will practice Chinese speaking and you can speak to me in English. He was on his way home from work, he does 22 days on 13 off, which actually sounds ok? 5 weeks is only 10 days off for most Australians. Anyway, we chatted about all manner of subjects, culminating in his amazement that the host of Chinese dating show, If you are the one, who we know as Mr Meng, owns Chongqing style noodle shops in Australia.

Actually we didnt get to chat as much as he might have hoped, because all the children from the entire length of the train decided I would be their entertainment. Nearby children were going to fetch other children from other carriages to come and meet me and talk to me. No matter how much me or the guy I was chatting with explained that my name is David (Dawei), all children referred to me only as WaiGuoRen (foreign person). I could understand some of what they would say, Waiguoren looks silly, waiguoren is very funny, waiguoren is drinking tea and not cola, how come? I was clearly a monkey in a zoo.
They especially liked it when I told them to speak slowly and quietly or I will tell their mothers they have been very naughty!
I guess it will be no surprise that my hair was particularly humorous to everyone, and when I took it out of its ever shrinking pony tail and combed it over my face there were guffaws of laughter from everyone, and then more children came wanting to see captain caveman.

Also if you are wondering how old Chinese children think I might be, somewhere between 80 and 90 years old. Children also tell me I look like a pig, my new English speaking friend asked me cautiously if I knew the monkey magic show and the character pigsy... yes, yes I do, and I already knew that I have a pig nose!

China-Xian-Chongqing-Bullet Train - Here is the outside of the Xian North station, you can get here on the subway.

Here is the outside of the Xian North station, you can get here on the subway.

China-Xian-Chongqing-Bullet Train - I love these photos, whichever station I go to, I look forward to taking one.

I love these photos, whichever station I go to, I look forward to taking one.

China-Xian-Chongqing-Bullet Train - Here is the temporary bus departure area at Chongqing west station. The bus staff kept asking me if I was taking the bus because I had lost my money.

Here is the temporary bus departure area at Chongqing west station. The bus staff kept asking me if I was taking the bus because I had lost my money. No, I take the bus for the adventure! And an adventure it was, Chongqing is the mountain city and roads go every which way, under over and through buildings and mountains, in the dark, through much more vibrant streets than anywhere else in China. Its the 30 million people wild west!

China-Xian-Chongqing-Bullet Train - Here is my hotel, its a serviced apartment with a full kitchen and washer dryer. I stayed here last time I visited Chongqing, it has an awesome view o

Here is my hotel, its a serviced apartment with a full kitchen and washer dryer. I stayed here last time I visited Chongqing, it has an awesome view of a fully animated building that is more than 100 levels high. There are a number of super talls over 100 floors in Chongqing.

China-Xian-Chongqing-Bullet Train - Bonus view of hotel room.

Bonus view of hotel room.

Well, as you can see above, I did make it to my hotel, which as stated above, is excellent. The logistics of getting from Chongqing West Station to here involved taking a local bus. The free express bus was not coming for another hour. There were a whole host of people wanting to help me, recognising that the situation was very un friendly if you are not fluent in Mandarin. The bus set up is temporary as the metro will open soon, and the metro will be full of English and be very tourist friendly. Anyway, the bus staff told me what bus, wu ling si, good luck knowing thats 504 if you dont speak Chinese, and that it would come in er shi wu fen zhong (25 minutes). This was after I explained to them I was happy to go to any subway station, which they understood.

To further help me, a young college student carrying home an embroidered clock he had brought back to his home made for him by his mother was insistent that he would guide me the whole way. I really think if I didnt show him the map on my phone and speak a fair bit of Chinese to him about how I had been to China many times and was very familiar with Chongqing and its subways that he would have taken me all the way to my hotel carrying the big elaborately framed embroidered clock.

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